Affiliate Control General

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gift Give Every Day and Make Money !!!!

TINKER Stretchs Thinking with Unique Novelties __________________________________________________________________________________
P. O. Box 2143                                         Garden City                                        New York 11531

Back by the Affiliate Control General

TINKER is reintroducing the Genion Flip. Here it is Again! A One of Kind! Genion Flips are disappearing from Clients Desks. That’s what happens when you have a Unique Item that everyone loves. Now is the time to get a Genion Flip of your own. A challenge you will Never Outgrow! An Unique Apothecary Stringless Click Clack. Awesome! Accessories not included. Exclusive Gift Giving Offer Sponsored by Breakthrough Industries. Give All Year & make money. Ten Items for the price of two. Buy two Genion Flips, and you’ll have nine more items to give away. Get in the Spirit! Give someone something unique. Be unforgettable through giving. Put Fun Back in Your Hand - Made only by TINKER. Nice Right! Now that’s what you call Exclusive! TINKER is the Sole Manufacture. Not in Stores! Private! Yes! The Genion Flip has always been one of our most challenging Novelty Items. The Public, Loves It!

In 1985 a company called Breakthrough Industries saved TINKER 200 Million Dollars on a Single Product Launch and improved TINKER's ability to generate Greater Revenues while saving, without a Single New Customers. Breakthrough Industries popped the value out of our product like we had never seen it before. Pow! The response was undeniable, Breakthrough Industries Created the Demand from our Existing Customers, and raised our Retention Rate. Breakthrough Iindustries Business makes sense, eliminates competition, Promoting Serveness - the only True Business any customer Deserves! A level you cannot imagine. TINKER was amazed by the Extra Value surrounding our product.

We already know that the Affiliate Control General gave Breakthrough Industries Five Stars and ACG Badge Approval. TINKER now implements Breakthrough Industries very same Business Quality Policy Methods and Techniques, as Common Business Practice. Breakthrough Industries Innovative Approach to Solid Industry Expansion & Permanency, required that we give our customers more. TINKER believes in giving more now, because of Breakthrough Industries. We adopted the BTI Proof Method for All Business Conduct. TINKER has learned that the only way to conduct business Beyond your competitions reach is more GIVING. TINKER will be ranked in the same Category of Excellence as Breakthrough Industries, which has placed TINKER Beyond Competition! Our confession: Tinker had no idea how to really treat a customer.

We recommend Breakthrough Industries although they are New to the internet, becuase literally they have done it again. Bran New Internet First. How! We know Breakthrough Industries offers Real Jobs and Real Products which reflect Long Term Integrity. Breakthrough Industries is sponsoring TINKERS’ One of a kind fun interactive keep sakes that develop genuine skill and concentration on an on going basis. Amaze Someone before they Amaze You. Give someone a gift that’s impossible to get, or find again without TINKER. Become a part of Global Satisfaction, that will effect every Human. It's this simple. We will never give our services to another company, before BTI.

A gift from TINKER

The best kept secret is the internet. The hands down best business apparatus to this day for Business. Anyone! I mean anyone who is not making any money on the internet in 2011 is behind the times. If you are familiar with any of the Marketing Programs Available, and haven’t contacted Breakthrough Industries. Do so, today!   They have an amazing program, that starts you above Regular Affiliates. Any Site with the Black & White Breakthrough Industries Tower Badge Springing up, is a company that you can trust. There aren't many, and they are Private. Contact: ACG, they will send you a magazine of all badge sites World Wide.

The internet can be a reward or a punishment, depending on how you approach it. If you are using the internet for money only, and don’t love what you are doing it can be a pain. But if you can read, and type a little, and have something that you really enjoy, your all set. The internets Vast Access speaks for itself, it is and Endless Source, as well as resource. While being creative does require, that any individual only use their imagination. The internet is considered a resource, because everything can be found, usually Free in most cases. And, if not free, a Free Trial is usually granted with a Small Shipping Fee. The internet can be used as an Income Generating Source for any services being rendered.

Obviously! However, the Internets Transitional Elasticity is amazing. From nuts to bolts, you can pursue anything. Meaning, that the internet can work in every area of your business or even add new areas to your business. Unlimited Access! Imagine a Self-functioning Autonomous Payment Machine that exposes your interest to seekers. The internet is -by far- the Cheapest Arena in which to do business. The same amount of time it requires to look for a job, you could be up and running. Less Overhead puts the Internet at the Top of Transitional Elasticity. Obviously, everything possible on the internet is not going to be listed here today. Certainly, anyone could think of a few ideas they would like to do. That’s all it takes! That part is up to the individual.

The number one setback to the Internet. It eliminates excuses. Litterally, everything is at you fingertips. You don’t need mega money to do anything on the Internet. Nowadays people whom are really making money, establishing Business Fronts for Tax Write Offs Only, in a lot of instances. Services are diminishing, because the resources aren‘t coming from the sources that are providing services.

It has never been easier to produce an income without a 9 - 5 than in all the history of humanity. So, sitting around wondering where all of the jobs are, is Old News. People are starting a new businesses every day, and succeeding. All you have to do is get started, and you’ll have the same Unlimited Access that is available to everyone else Right Now! This information puts you in the know! All you have to do is follow the instructions you were given, or register! A Self-functioning Low Cost Business Medium with only the cost of Internet Service a Little Electricity and almost No Overhead is all you need. The Internet has expanded Big Business to the individuals‘ doorstep. This is the only knock you need to get started. Buy any product from this page, get in on a Service Policy Directly from Breakthrough Industries that will make you wonder how its all possible.

Here's the kicker, even if you don't have the Minimum Resources. The library is usually Always Free. There is no excuse not to earn a Suitable Income.

The Internet is the New Hidden Economy, which is virtual, and allows (those who know) to control the economy of others. Every benefit that the Internet has, can work against you. The Internet, like anything else requires that you learn to lead in your area of interest, and stay ahead of the curve long enough to continue leading. So we let Breakthrough Industries Sponsor the Genion Flip. They make leadership easy, they did for TINKER. It's easy to lead without competition.

Take this Typical Example of a Common Business Practice. Person A. lives in another country, where the life circumstances are low. Someone sends them a computer. They love it. Get access to the Internet. See an ad to Make Money Online, and Go For It! Bam! Person A. becomes Financially Viable, more and more. Their hooked! Now Person A. has another income, and can see the possibility of having more money than they could ever spend. Person A. saves up and comes to the U. S., opens a store because they want to be a part of the American Dream. Person A. from another country hires Person B. to work in the store. Time goes on, and Person B. notices that they always get paid on time. Even though, there is not enough traffic in the store. Thinking! "Business will pick up. 

Person B likes the job and wants to stay, so Person B., pays more attention to the income. Person B. begins to take initiative to improve Daily Business . Person B, is beginning to wonder whether or not they will be able to keep their job, because still business isn‘t improving. Person B. feels the store didn’t improve enough to justify his salary and is anticipating being fired. Another year passes. Person A. likes how Person B. works. So Person A. offers Person B. and incentive to stay, a raise. Person B. instead of being happy wonders ‘how’? Knowing already, that the store doesn’t produce enough income to pay Person B. a salary. Person B. keeps the job, takes the raise and all is well.

Five more years go by, Person B. gets Generous Increases each year, yet the store is not doing any better. In fact, worse! Person B. doesn’t know what’s going on, and probably never will. Especially since Person A. is buying four more Storefront Properties in Distress Locations, and making Person B. Branch Manager. That’s Hidden Economy. It’s called subsidizing! If you can make a single $1.00 on the Internet, then there is no limit to the amount of money that you can make. The trick is making $1.00, and then sheltering it from tax losses. Common sense… It's a gain!

Person B. doesn’t realize, that Person A. owns the store for Tax Shelter Purposes only, that aren’t available in their own country. Person B. was the only employee, because the tax savings justified their employment. The money that the store doesn’t make is irrelevant. Person B. doesn’t know HOW they are getting paid, and the register never reflects any gain. Not only has Person A. increased their Tax Returns because of  Higher Taxes, the money being sheltered is from other areas of Greater Business that allows Person A. to keep more of their income from such things as, Internet Revenues!

Making spent money repay you is an art. If you have the money it is easy. Many people open Businesses solely for Tax Shelters, and you are perfectly poised right now to be one of the next Tax Shelter Seekers.

Here is a list of a few sites that Rank High with the Affiliate Control General, where you can actually go to begin making Real Income online as an Affiliate or at home with Physical Products. Or work directly for a Breakthrough Industries Company. We recommend Breakthrough Industries because they are an Exceptional Marketing Company, having 25 years of business and the Highest Ranking with the Affiliate Control General right now. Breakthrough Industries Status speaks for itself.

Breakthrough Industries service makes you wonder how it's possible.

1. (Donations)
2. Business Management Distribution
4. Aaron International Publishing Co.

P. S. If you see capability to improve your income, Register with Breakthrough Industries, they will get everything started for you. If you are on this page. You got an invitation or referral from someone. Below is a gift for every home. Share it! I think BEINGS was chosen for its simplicity, showing that thought is a phenomena. It is Required Reading for EVERY TINKER Employee. No exceptions.

Thanking You, From TINKER

Seeing without the Open Eye

Poem from BEINGS (Lift Your Mind)


No twinkle we cannot touch

No dream is too much.

We are made in His mirror image,

with eternity to scrimmage.

There are no out of bounds!

No matter what the desire,

Breakthrough any limit.

Go beyond the unthinkable,

Even higher!

By  Julian Soar

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